
2020-10-12 14:56:42  发布于:北京市  

  2020年10月,法国著名设计师Lars Andreasen三世与賨人集团至上励合文化传播有限公司就双方下一步全产业链深度合作、构建更加紧密的全面战略合作伙伴关系进行深入交流,并达成一系列重要共识。

  在世界的东方,以服饰华采之美为华,以疆界广阔与文化繁荣、礼仪道德兴盛为夏,然为华夏也,华夏五千年孕育之文明是炎黄血统、诗书礼仪和中华疆界统合如一之实体。2006年8月,法国著名设计师Lars Andreasen三世的"世界潮流文化丰彩行"首站来到位于中国成都的金沙遗址,当他看到"太阳神鸟""蜀王金面"等为代表的东方远古文明时,被古老而神秘的东方文明所深深吸引…… 此后十年间,家族世袭三代皆为法国殿堂级设计大师的Lars Andreasen先生先后走遍了金沙遗址、三星堆、秦始皇兵马俑、敦煌莫高窟、马王堆等地,他希望将中国古代传统文化与世界时尚潮流文化做一次多维度、深层次的无限制有机融合,更要将东方远古文明中的神秘力量以服饰为载体,在他的笔下重生,以全新的姿态再次傲首在世界面前!至此,FOCI品牌服饰华丽诞生!面对媒体,Lars Andreasen先生这样说道:

  China is an antiquated and mysterious country with centuries-old and brilliant culture.Sustainable development of the Chinese ancient civilization was rare in the world. With the slope and, at the ancient city of the ancient people may have lived to see the left only, ancient time here is a trilateral water, here you can think of the loss of ancient civilization.

  We must do a better job teaching young people Chinese traditional culture, feelings of culture, fashion, the trend of fashion experience.

  Recreation of wearable textile art is a trend in the course of fashion development. It can enrich dress styles and connotations. Inspiration is a basis of wearable textile art recreation. FOCI is a leading world fashion trend of young's apparel brand, the brand personality is a prominent feature. To lead the fashion as the goal, in order to communicate with Chinese and Western responsibility, and to create a brand-driven! It's the single best thing we ever did.

  正如Lars Andreasen先生所言,中华民族是拥有五千年悠久历史且从未断流的古老民族,有众多优秀传统文化需要我们传承和发展,而FOCI正是东方古老神秘文化标识和世界时下最时尚潮流完美邂逅的艺术结晶,打造独立、执念、本性的冠世时尚潮品,除自身品牌服装外,FOCI更是将Underground唱片音乐和以法国著名油画大师Pierre Auguste Renoir为代表的印象派画家创作蓝品作为其品牌的重要艺术构成。FOCI品牌服饰追求的是思想,潮流人士穿的则是概念,近些年潮牌逐渐由小众走向大众,也有越来越多的年轻人积极展现自我、融入潮流。真正的潮牌需要有独到的思想和精神,正如FOCI一样,从来都不只是一件上衣、一件外套,更是一种生活、一种态度、一种永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶的内在纯粹,帮助更多年轻人找到自我,做回本真,完成涅槃,且具有某种象征性意义,代表某种坚定信仰,这便是FOCI的核心价值所在。

  —————————— FOCI品牌静帧电影"Before Going Out" —————————







  ——————————————— To be continued —————————————

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